----------------------------------------- Orin WordPress Theme v1.3 - Changelog ----------------------------------------- -------------------------- Version 1.3 -------------------------- How to update Orin: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-orin/#update-section (Documentation > How to Update) -------------------------- Updated: - Documentation: - Fixed several broken links - Added information about creating a copy of the demo site ( https://demo.birdwp.com/orin/ ) - All images used in the demo site are now available in a collection on Unsplash.com at the following link: https://unsplash.com/collections/pkm5tNA5wOQ/orin-wordpress-theme - Added additional information about updating the theme - Added additional information about translation into another language Fixes and Improvements: - Fixed some minor CSS issues - Single post page: Navigation elements between next and previous posts no longer appear if the blog has only one post - Fixed minor issues with block editor styles. These fixes affected the following blocks: - Block: Verse - Block: Image - Block: Gallery - Block: Categories - Block: Custom HTML - Block: Latest Posts Added: - New layout option: Horizontal order for blog posts - "WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Blog Posts > Posts > Enable horizontal (left-to-right) order for blog posts". More details about this option: https://masonry.desandro.com/options#horizontalorder Changed Files: - /orin/style.css - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/css/editor-style.css - /orin/functions.php - /orin/assets/customizer.php - /orin/js/orin-theme.js - /orin/readme.txt - /orin/languages/orin.pot Thanks to everyone who helped with this update! -------------------------- Version 1.2 (29 February 2024) -------------------------- Fixes and Improvements: 1. Some styles for the Block editor in this version of the theme have been improved and fixed. 2. Added minor improvements to the customizer. 3. The "Orin Additional Features" plugin has been updated (v1.1): - Added the X icon instead of the Twitter icon; - New social button: "Share on Pinterest". 4. The translation file has been updated (/orin/languages/orin.pot). Changed files: - /orin/functions.php - /orin/css/editor-style.css - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/style.css - /orin/assets/inline-styles.php - /orin/css/customizer-style.css - /orin/assets/customizer.php - /orin/assets/plugins/orin-additional-features.zip - /orin/assets/plugin-activation.php - /orin/readme.txt - /orin/languages/orin.pot -------------------------- Version 1.1.2 (6 April 2023) -------------------------- Fixes and Improvements: 1. Block Editor: Styling issues for several blocks have been fixed in this version of the theme. The following blocks were affected: - List Block; - Quote Block; - File Block; - Button Block; - Tag Cloud; - Categories List. 2. Added permission to use two new HTML tags for Footer Text: the "p" (paragraph) tag and the "br" (line break) tag. This setting can be found in the customizer: Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright Text. 3. Theme translation file has been updated (/orin/languages/orin.pot). Changed files: - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/style.css - /orin/js/orin-gutenberg-meta-boxes.js - /orin/css/customizer-style.css - /orin/assets/customizer.php - /orin/assets/sanitize-functions.php - /orin/footer.php - /orin/functions.php - /orin/readme.txt - /orin/languages/orin.pot -------------------------- Version 1.1.1 (24 August 2022) -------------------------- Fixed: - Fixed issue with popup images in the Gallery Block - Improved and fixed styles for the Block Editor Changed files: - /orin/js/orin-theme.js - /orin/style.css - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/css/customizer-style.css - /orin/css/editor-style.css - /orin/functions.php - /orin/readme.txt -------------------------- Version 1.1 (13 March 2022) -------------------------- Updated: - Documentation - POT translation file (/orin/languages/orin.pot) New: - Added a hidden H1 heading with the site name to pages where it is not possible to add this tag. These are the following pages: homepage with the latest posts, all archive pages, and search results page. The site name can be added in your WordPress settings: "Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Title". - New theme settings (Appearance > Customize): - Added the ability to increase the first post on all pagination pages: "Appearance > Customize > Blog Posts > Posts > Increase the first post on pagination pages or not?"; - Added a new section with settings: "Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings"; - Show or hide the "Back To Top" button: "Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings > Show "Back to top" button"; - Added the ability to cancel text transformation for some text elements: "Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings > Cancel text transformation for some text elements"; - The following section with settings has been renamed: "Appearance > Customize > Colors And Cookies --> Styles And Cookies"; - Added setting to change default fonts: "Appearance > Customize > Styles And Cookies > Default Fonts: Sans-Serif Or Serif"; - Added setting to change the default site style: "Appearance > Customize > Styles And Cookies > Default Site Style: Light Or Dark". Fixed: - Some minor CSS issues Changed files: - /orin/style.css - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/css/customizer-style.css - /orin/functions.php - /orin/templates/homepage-slider.php - /orin/header.php - /orin/assets/customizer.php - /orin/footer.php - /orin/js/orin-theme.js - /orin/assets/inline-styles.php - /orin/assets/sanitize-functions.php - /orin/readme.txt - /orin/languages/orin.pot * P.S. Thanks to everyone who advised good ideas for this update! ;) I also want to apologize that some of the settings that you wrote to me about were not included in this update. However, they are all saved in my journal. I can't guarantee that all suggested settings and features will be added, but I always think about every suggested setting and feature ;) Once again, thank you very much to all of you! * During testing, there were issues with the following new features: - Offset for posts in the slider; - Ability to hide the logo on single post pages and single pages. For this reason, these features have not been included in this version. However, I will keep thinking about them. -------------------------- Version 1.0.1 (26 February 2022) -------------------------- Improvements and fixes: - Improved and fixed styles for the Block Editor (Fixed issues related to block editor changes in WordPress 5.9; Added styles for new blocks) - Fixed minor CSS issues (Comment form styles) - Improved and fixed styles for widget blocks Changed files: - /orin/css/gutenberg-editor-style.css - /orin/style.css - /orin/css/customizer-style.css - /orin/assets/inline-styles.php - /orin/functions.php - /orin/readme.txt * Note: This update adds compatibility with WordPress 5.9.x. After the release of this update, I will start working on version 1.1. In this version (v1.1), I will add new features, settings and some fixes. Thanks again for using this theme! -------------------------- Version 1.0 (11 November 2021) -------------------------- - Release